The rise of digital channels facilitating the sale and purchase of consumer goods has fueled a rapid increase in trade of counterfeit products around the world. In fact, the trade of fake merchandise has slowly risen over the last few years and now accounts for 3.3% of global trade, according to a recent report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Some brands have gone to extreme lengths in an attempt to halt sales of counterfeit versions of their products. Nike, for example, recently pulled its products from Amazon in part to try to mitigate the damaging effects that counterfeit goods were having on its brand. While this will certainly help and is a step in the right direction, it barely scratches the surface of a long-term solution.
First and foremost, it’s the fact that a counterfeit product equals a low-quality product. While this might not seem like a serious threat (and for those who knowingly buy knock-offs for superficial reasons, it’s not), the truth is that poor-quality items can have real, dire consequences. Consider knock-off BDSM products. The item might look identical to the authentic brand, but when used it can break, not support, and can cause harm. Inevitably, these consequences have a severe negative impact on a brand’s reputation and, in turn, consumer trust. Since many consumers are unaware that the products, they purchased are counterfeit, when the item fails to work correctly, falls apart or overall doesn’t meet their expectations, the customer will blame the authentic company. This results in the customer losing trust in the brand and also likely means that they won’t purchase from the retailer in the future.
If you notice or have questions regarding a possible counterfeit Northbound Leather Ltd. product, purchased or suspect a store selling counterfeit Northbound Leather Ltd. products, send us an email to [email protected].
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